tips for job interview

Top 12 Tips To Ace Your Job Interview

If you’ve succeeded in securing a job interview in today’s crazy job market, then you should be proud of yourself. Congratulations! It is time for a critical step: winning the interview and impressing the hiring manager. As the first impression is the last, you need to be cautious.

The interview is one of the most crucial parts of the process of hiring. It gives you a chance to impress the hiring team with not only your skills and qualifications but also the confidence you carry to present yourself.

As a hiring manager getting ready for an interview isn’t just about designing questions. It’s about peeling back the layers to discover who the candidates truly are and if they are the perfect match for the job opening. This process is nerve-wracking for the interviewers as well as the interviewees.

Get ready to excel. This blog brings you 12 job interview tips to stand out on your big day. 

12 job interview tips

Let’s dive into these tips to ace on the day of the interview.

Customize your CV

Customization is the path to an interview call. Pay attention to your CV writing and the hiring manager will pay attention to you. Hiring managers are talented at distinguishing between a CV tailored to a specific job opening, or just a generic one for any kind of job opening. Remember! You want to give an impression that you’re interested in and able to do the specific job.

Read and research about the company

Knowledge is key to success. Invest your time to research the company’s mission, values, recent news, and industry trends. Read about the role you are applying for, its responsibilities, and the required skills. This gives you an insight into the company and allows you to tailor your responses accordingly.

Show your dress code

The first impression matters. As you decide on your clothing for the interview, invest some time and research the type of dresses worn on the day of the interview. Align those options with the dress options available to you. The aim is not to be underdressed or overdressed. Dress professionally and appropriately according to the company’s culture. You don’t need to dress up in a 3-piece suit. When in doubt, dress slightly more formally. Make sure your dress is clean, ironed properly, and not loose. Dressing professionally shows your personality and reflects your positivity towards work.

Be on time

Rushing in stress for your interview, late and a little sweaty isn’t a great first impression to set. Excuses like, ‘My alarm didn’t go off’ or ‘The city traffic was crazy’ can build a negative image. Giving lame excuses is not a positive way to begin your job interview. The best idea is to double your journey time to avoid traffic issues and set multiple alarms so you don’t hit snooze and fall back asleep. Arriving early for an interview is better than arriving late.

Show clarity in your mission

It is an obvious question a recruiter asks the candidate, ‘why you’re a good fit for the position?’. You need to be prepared to pour in your answer. Think about it: if this job doesn’t align with your skills, then why are you passionate about it? Writing your mission statement will help you put your purpose into words. When the hiring manager asks you this question, you’ll be able to answer with confidence!

Be mentally present

It is one of the factors that is often neglected, or people don’t feel it enough to talk about it. Being on phones has become a trend these days.

Keep your phones inside! Avoid using your phone during an interview unless the interviewer asks you to use it. It is obvious that if you pull your cell phone to check a single message, you will use it for longer. This shows you’re distracted and valuing someone else above the interviewer’s time. This even applies to smartwatches.  

Bring a copy of your CV or portfolio

Always stay prepared a day before the date of the interview. Print an extra copy of your CV or portfolio for the condition that the interviewer forgets to print your CV or does not remember the type of work in your portfolio. This shows that you’re always prepared.

Besides, if you’ve created the best CV and cover letter, you will want to show it to the hiring team as much as possible!

Tell truth

When you are questioned about your previous experiences, salary, or skills, tell the truth. Don’t lie or overshare! These people have access to your previous records and can find your previous data. If found something fake than you stated, this will ultimately result in creating a negative image and not being selected.

Be yourself       

People often try to overact in the interviews. Don’t try to be an actor. Be who you are! Your nerves are already off the charts, so try to have self-control and not try something outside your default mode.

Don’t show your expressions as being too serious or too funny. You will start feeling awkward after some time. If you end up getting the job, the company will ultimately figure out who you are.

Check your nonverbal cues

Your body language speaks. Your main goal is to show the interviewer that you are prepared and confident. Otherwise, it can portray your confused and less prepared image. Here are some mindful keys to help you during a job interview.

Make eye contact

 Looking into the eyes of the interviewer will make you feel confident. If you feel uncomfortable, keep the eye contact consistent. Believe in yourself; it feels more uncomfortable for the interviewer if you stare at the ground while they’re speaking to you. 


A company always looks for someone friendly and approachable. This is how you get hired: you keep smiling throughout the process. Just make sure to brush your teeth before you walk in for an interview!

Act engaged

Keep moving your body. Nod, lean, and sit up! These motions will give the interviewer your sense of being engaged when they’re talking to you. Your active posture will increase your chances of being hired.    

Take notes

On the day of the interview, take a diary with a pen. Jot down all the necessary information. This will create a positive image for the interviewer and show that you’re interested in their talk.

Don’t inquire about your salary

Asking about salary packages, paid time off, or holidays too soon creates a negative portrayal. This communicates to the interviewer you’re more interested in the perks than the work itself. If the recruiter brings this to your knowledge, that is perfect, but you should inquire about it in the first conversation. Once you are offered a job, you can talk about it in detail. 

Thank you note before you leave

Once you are over with your interview session, you should always thank the team for inviting you for this opportunity, and looking forward to your reply soon.

You can also send a thank you note to their official email. This will show professionalism attribute.


What do hiring managers look for in an interview?

During interviews, hiring managers evaluate whether an applicant’s skills and professional expertise align with the job description. They even monitor the confidence of an applicant to check if their choice is spot-on.

What do the interviewers do after the applicant is free from the round of interviews?

The HR, along with the team leaders, dig into some responses and critically analyze whether the desired person is harmonious with the job position. If there is some chance of improvement after being trained, the person is called for further formalities.

Get clear before your interview

Landing on your dream job is possible! Following these job tips will result in hiring managers significantly improving your chances of conducting a good interview. Good interviews lead to great hires.

For hiring managers, knowing the job, asking the right questions, and making the candidates comfortable are key steps.

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